Balcony seat bookings


Online booking for seats is now only available for seating in our balcony area. All seats in the main auditorium are now first come, first served.

+ 1. Choose Your Service

We will be running two services each week:

10.00am - 11.30am (Doors open at 9.40am)

6.30pm - 7.30pm (Doors open at 6.10pm)

+ 2. Choose your seating

We have 2 different seating arrangements available for you to choose from.

  1. All seating in the main auditorium is now available without booking. We will still have some socially distanced seating however this will not be available to book and will be available on a first come, first served basis.
  1. If you would like to guarantee a socially distanced seat, you can book to sit in our balcony area - ONLINE BOOKING REQUIRED

+ 3. Enjoy attending Church

Enjoy our time together! We will be singing again and there will be facilities for tots and kids. Our Coffee House will also be opening from 9am-10am and 7.30pm-8.30pm.

Facemasks are advisable but not mandatory. You are more than welcome to wear a facemask, whichever seating you are in, as the guidance from the government is still to wear a facemask in a crowd.

Please be respectful of people's decisions on this matter if they are different from yours. We would also ask that before offering hugs to anyone, you seek permission from the other party to avoid any upset.

We still ask that you make use of our hand sanitation stations upon entry to Church and throughout the building. We will still be operating a One-Way system around the building - stewards will assist with this.

If you have been diagnosed or are currently experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 or you have recently returned from international travel in the last 14 days, please refrain from attending one of our services and join us at home using the online live streaming service which happens at 10am every Sunday morning,

Thank you for your continued understanding on these matters. We are so excited to be getting back to a more normal system once again and look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Book your SOCIALLY DISTANCED balcony SEATS only below!
Booking not required for seating in the main auditorium

sunday 20th February 2022

sunday 27th February 2022